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The undisputed leader of the gang, and at 30, several years older than the others. He is fairly tall and heavily-built, with tanned skin, prematurely gray close-cropped hair and moustache, and small brown eyes under heavy eyebrows. His sharp features and thin lips contribute to an aura of ferocity enhanced further by an old wound which causes the left side of his mouth to pull back from the teeth in a perpetual snarl. This, with his gray hair, has given him his nickname; nobody knows his true name. His voice is harsh and medium in pitch. Despite exaggerated impressions of him based on his appearance, he is fundamentally cautious, though more inclined to adventurous banditry than the careful lock picking in which he was trained. The advent of Griselda has changed the operations of his gang - the Great Chart Caper was her idea and proved much more profitable than any previously. He now feels wholehearted admiration and considerable affection for her, trusting her as far as he does anybody, and he would make all reasonable efforts to help her in an escape; but he would not sacrifice his life for her, and he would abandon the others if it seemed necessary with a shrug, “That’s the way it goes in this business.”


Paul Cubbin


Feb 1984

Images ©The Stuff of Legends, may not be copied without permission

Last modified: Mon Dec 06 2021 by Orclord