Between 1984 and 1986 Tom Meier designed a set of seven dragons that were released by both Citadel in the UK and Ral Partha in the USA. Many are still in production by Ral Partha Legacy, or in the case of the Zombie Dragon, Ral Partha Europe.
Tom Meier Dragons
DG1 Oriental Dragon / RP 01-129 Celestial Dragon
DG2 Red Dragon / 01-138 Black Dragon
DG3 Blue Dragon / RP 01-139 Blue Dragon
DG4 Black Dragon / RP 01-314 Brass Dragon
DG5 Fire Dragon / RP 02-491 Great Fire Dragon
DG6 Zombie Dragon / RP 01-140 Undead Dragon
DG7 Green Dragon / RP 01-327 Rearing Fire Drake