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C46 Militia - September 1987

A bunch of not very trained warriors, useful in cluttering up a fight and in getting the wrong of the stick in most situations. They were released in September 1987 along with the very similar F4 mercenaries and were followed by the also similar F2 Dogs of War in October. Several of these figures are conversions of the same base figure, Jonesy / Polgy, Owd Rodger / Gutbucket / Nob from F4, Dimit/Storick and Trud/Clud.
Two figures are shown that were not part of the 24 included on the September flyer or in White 94, Storick and another version of Owd Rodger / Gutbucket / F4 Nob.


Alan and Michael Perry, Aly Morrison


Finlay Light


September 1987

Images ©The Stuff of Legends, may not be copied without permission

Last modified: Tue Apr 30 2024 by Orclord